====== FINANCE 💸 ====== ===== Support the House of Tea! Make funding Flow! ===== 💸TL;DR: House of Tea is short of about 1.200 Euros. Support us **via Paypal** to **houseoftea -AT- systemli.org**. (You can also make a donation **in cash at 37C3**) While the "TeaHouse" was previously tied to a registered NGO with its own budget, the **House of Tea is now, since Camp 2023, fully independant and 100% funded by its participants**. It means that **we need your help and generosity** to enable us to share the most delicious warm tea -cafeinated and non-cafeinated- with everyone at #37C3, as well as a cozy and chilled atmosphere, and a space for relaxed self-organized sessions. While **tea will always be for free for everyone to drink, the costs of operation of the House of Tea is substantial**. The tea leaves actually amount for less than 10% of the budget, while transportation of our structure, its materials and gear make for most of the cost. For historical and practical reasons we ended Camp23 with 600 Euros of debt. We nevertheless decided to invest 900 Euros in 37C3, as if there were no tomorrow! :) We therefore **call on your generosity to help us gather a total of 1.500Euros**. Our generous sponsors will be rewarded with //even more delicious tea//, as it will get enriched by the flavours of solidarity and generosity! ;) Send us anything you can without hurting your personal budget: * **via Paypal** //(yeah we know, we dislike it too, and are working towards something more ethical)// to **houseoftea -AT- systemli.org**. * via a donation **in cash at 37C3** See our budget listed below: ===== Current Budget (20231223) ===== ==== DEBT ==== * Shipping From Camp to temporary storage location (and returning of lent material to Britanny) - 600 E ==== COSTS FOR 37C3 ==== * Shipping from temporary storage location to CCH - 400 Euros //(We are planning on a smart storage solution until next Congress that will considerably reduce transportation/shipping costs in the future.)// * Various items (lights, hygiene, safety and materials) - 263 Euros + 2 thermo bottles - approx.40 Euros * Tea - 80 Euros * Stickers - 76 Euros * carpet - 100 Euros ==== TOTAL COSTS+DEBT (SPENDING) ==== **600 + 400 + 263 + 80 + 76 + 100 = 1519 Euros** ==== TOTAL DONATIONS (INCOME) ==== P*yp#l 484.75 Euros Others 150 (2fl) 110 (A) **Total = 744.75**