====== Dishwashing! For the True Heroes of the Flow! :) ======
Dishwashing at the House of Tea is an essential way of helping the tea flow. One of the major bottlenecks in the tea flow is the lack of clean/fresh cups!
As essential for the tea flow, it is also important that it is done properly, so everyones' health and well-being be preserved to our best effort.
For this purpose, there are some usages to know and precautions to take:
IMPORTANT: in order to minimize risks of contamination, we adopt the strict following protocol:
* ONE OR TWO PERSON(s) WASH(ES) ONE ENTIRE BATCH of cups, instead of everybody attempting -sometimes slopily- to wash theirs, in order to minimize the "number of hands" in the wash, and potential for mistakes.
* Dishwashing is made USING DISPOSABLE GLOVES.
* No food-stained or other non-tea-related greasy items be left in the soak/wash, in order to make the wash easier.
* We attempt to change the dishwashing water(s) as often as possible. See [[how to help]] with the water cycle.
=====Teapots deserve a special treatment!. =====
(the same applies to tea strainers/infusers!)
Teapots should not be considered "dirty" once used, and **do not need to be washed like the cups** (it would actually be cumbersome and inefficient with such setup).
So in order to recycle/refresh the teapots:
* fill them with approx 1/5-1/4 of boiling water that you carefuly "rotate" inside for a few seconds.
* discard the water in the used water disposal container.
* eventually wipe their handle with hyrdo-alcoholic gel if it reassures you.
* put back in the inventory of clean items.
===== A Dishwashing (work-)flow for the tea cups =====
Our dishwashing consists of 4 different stations/boxes + 1 drying rack:
==== 1/ soaking ====
This is where it all begins! :)
All used cups are left in the soak box.
It is composed of **liquid Marseille soap**, which has very strong anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties.
==== 2/ wash ====
It is composed of **Sodium Bicarbonate** (aka "Natron" or "baking soda"), in rather strong proportion (about xxxx per liter?), thus making a very basic solution that will kill/wash everything, while leaving no unpleasant taste or smell.
Scrub with dedicated sponge.
==== 3/ rinse ====
A rinse in fresh/clear water.
==== 4/ dry ====
Cups are disposed on the drying racks. We hopefully can change the table cloths on which they rest regularly often that they dont stay soaked.
If energy is available and/or if clean cups are immediately missing, they could eventually be hand-dried...