Table of Contents

What material can one contribute (temporarily or permanently) to the House of Tea?

tent_fabric_with_lights.jpg The House of Tea is driven by principles of DIY and self-organization. Across the years, it accumulated new and recycled material from various sources, to arrange them together on the focal point of Congresses and Camps. Yet material wears off, and needs evolve over time.

If you have any of the following in excess (to donate), or that you could just lend the time of a Congress/Camp, please bring it with you, or get in touch with us so we can help organize some sort of shopping!

Tea \o/

Structure and Material

We are always in need for more material to make our place cozy! Contact us (or just bring them!) if you have any of the following:


Deco and Lights

Books, board games


Any sort of creative supplies

Sometimes at the House of Tea, appeared:

So bring your own creative supplies, the ones you want to share, the ones you think will be fun to be randomly appropriated by anyone and everyone around! <3