No Shoe Zone?!


People around the House of Tea are usually not big fans of rules… Yet there is what became more of a usage or a tradition at the House of Tea, around our tea tables and in our cozy space: to leave the shoes at the edge of the zone. (some shoe shelves should conveniently help store them more or less neatly..)

This leaves some of our fellow hackers a bit puzzled. We can sometimes read on the faces of people looking at our space for the first time that it seems to provoke hesitation, if not reluctance… After all everyone has their own limits, boundaries… and the line of interaction between us and the ground is defeinitely an important one!

.. then why? Why no shoes at the House of Tea?

Well there are multiple reasons:

(Please note: as with all usages and traditions that do not turn into blind and rigid rules, this one is indeed open to consensual exceptions! If you have some sort of medical condition, or a very good reason to not expose your feet without shoes, do not feel excluded! In that case maybe you could consider bringing a pair of special, clean shoes (or slippers) you could wear on our space? Or some protective caps on top of your shoes? Feel welcome in all cases, we will find a solution! <3)

Pro-tip: Feel free to bring a pair of extra-cozy woolen socks that you can use when at the House of Tea! ;)