House of Tea @38C3

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Structures and Decoration

Collection of ideas to decorate the House of Tea.


Some facilities we need or want.

- Kitchen area (tea and dishware shelves, water boiler, preparation station, cup washing).

- Shoe storage (probably boxes).

- Storage area to keep resupplies, water, some boxes, rest of materials and some personal belongings.

- Lecture area and chill-out area, maybe both combined.

- Seed/plant exchange, remembrance wall, psychedelic old-school projector, …, and other smaller projects need space, too.


Kitchen Location

The kitchen can be placed in different locations.

- In the center of the space, it would build some kind of island, everyone can take an eye on easily. It can also act as a room partition or divider. But access won't be unrestricted for e.g. wheelchairs.

- At the side, closer to the Coffeenerds. Access can be much easier. But especially cup washing will be hard to keep control of. On the other hand, it would make coordination with the Coffeenerd easier.

- At the “left” side close to the corner, where many people enter out place. There is a small risk of it being in the way there. But all the escape routes would go through the other part of the corridor nonetheless. We could place shelves specifically to direct the people and keep them from fiddling with our cup washing water.

The location of the kitchen does not have to be completely fixed. If we realize during the event, it is not in a good place, we can move it again with the help of a couple of hands.

Kitchen Furniture

- 1 shelf for different teas (1* green, 1* fermented, 1*(aromatized, herbs, spices, fruits), 1* specials)

- 1 shelf for cups and pots (2*upper clean, 2*lower dirty)

- 1 table for boilers (2 main and some smaller)

- 1 table to prepare (mix herbs, fill in pot, close the bags again)

- 1 table for dish washing, separated and maybe behind a curtain

Water canisters can be stored under the tables or at the side somewhere.




2 * Prodipe Pro 5 (monitoring speakers)

1 * Prodipe Pro 10 s (subwoofer)


The speakers must be carefully positioned. We should not disturb the CoffeeNerds or other assemblies nearby.


1 * Viewsonic M1 (250lm; 854 x 480 native; portable LED)

1 * ivolum HBP-3000 (2,800lm; 1280 x 800 native; loud)

2 * oil-disk-projectors (small)

playground/playground.1732038635.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/11/19 17:50 by adeptveritatis